
Artikelen, boeken en papers

Work in Progress: Dominees op half licht (2025), Jaarboek Voor De Geschiedenis Van Het Nederlands Protestantisme Na 1800

Work in Progress: De strijd van Mankes (2025) Museum Arnhem en Belvédère, Heerenveen.

Voorbij het dak van deze wereld. Reflecties en beschouwingen op mijn aanwezigheid bij sterven. Paper ter afronding van de opleiding Omgaan met Sterven (Stervensbegeleiding), van het Landelijk Expertise Centrum Sterven (voorjaar 2024)

Historical Perspectives on Ageing: ‘Old People and Things that Pass’

Chapter | Jul 2020
A book series dedicated to the harmonisation and unification of family and succession law in Europe. The series includes comparative legal studies and materials as well as studies on the effects of international and European law making within the national legal systems in Europe. The books are published in English, French or German under the auspic...


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Feb 2020

In this article, views on humanist chaplaincy of Northwestern European humanist chaplains are explored with a view to the question of how to understand chaplaincy in secular societies. Seventeen questionnaires were analyzed, filled in by humanist chaplains from Belgium, the UK, Ireland, and Denmark, who attended an international conference on human...






  • Sep 2017
This (photo) essay depicts social-political narratives of South African students from all walks of life, ideological and political persuasions and sexual orientations in their struggle to decolonise universities. In protest assemblies, student leaders resist interference by established political parties and try to develop new ways to organise socia...



Conference Paper
  • Jul 2017
Some years ago I developed a fascination for the autobiography of dr. Anne Zernike (1887-1972), the first female church minister of the Netherlands and an interesting voice in the gender debate of the first feminist wave in The Netherlands. Her autobiography Een vrouw in het wondere ambt. Herinneringen van een predikante (‘A woman in the wondrous o...




Vrees niet, gij klein kuddeke. De gebroeders Hugenholtz en de Vrije Gemeente van Amsterdam. Een vrijzinnig-humanistische geschiedenis’. In: Tillema E.J. (red.) Vrijzinnig Verleden. Hilversum: Bureau Deus, pp. 37-70.

  • Aug 2016
Conference Paper
  • Jul 2016
In 1866 the French poet and novelist Victor Hugo in his autobiography Chansons the rue et de bois stated ‘There is a certain moment in life when… the desire to look back becomes irresistible. Our youth, dead in her beauty, reappears to us and insists on claiming our thoughts’. The sixty-four years old Hugo was not unique in his ‘desire to look back...
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  • Nov 2015
Abstract RETHINKIN Expert seminar on Household Production and Informal Care for the Elderly GENT/KORTRIJK - November 2015



Conference Paper
  • May 2015
ABSTRACT Age has no reality except in the physical world - Gabriel García Márquez Towards a fundamental historical study of ageing in The Netherlands In 1982 the historian Peter Stearns described the field of the history of ageing as a research field that ‘remains shockingly untended’. In the thirty years that lay between Stearns observation and...


  • Jan 2015
De prachtige, kleine stillevens en portretten van Jan Mankes (1889 - 1920) vallen door hun karakteristieke eenvoud en kracht op in de collecties van grote musea in Nederland, zoals het Rijksmuseum, Museum Arnhem en natuurlijk Museum Belvédère. 'Jan Mankes – in woord en beeld' is een speciale uitgave over het leven en werk van Jan Mankes. De public...


  • Jan 2015
In this articleI will explore if and how a crisis-episode in published autobiographical life stories can be identified and understood. Analysing an episode from the autobiography of the first female church minister of the Netherlands, dr. Anne Mankes-Zernike, I will question the possibility of integrating the narrative structure of Dan P. McAdams’s...


Conference Paper
  • Dec 2014
How to analyse a crisis-episode in autobiographical texts? In this paper I will explore if and how a crisis-episode in published autobiographical life stories can be identified and understood. Analysing an episode from the autobiography of the first female church minister of the Netherlands, dr. Anne Mankes-Zernike, I will question the possibility...


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  • Jul 2014
Anne Zernike is often named as the first female minister in the Netherlands, belonging to the Mennonite Church. In fact, she served a much greater part of her life as a minister for the NPB in Rotterdam. The only Mennonite parish that she ever served, from 1911 until 1915, was that of Bovenknijpe (De Knipe) near Heerenveen. After her husband’s deat...



Conference Paper
  • Aug 2013
Panel Abstract: "Enchanting aesthetics: Romanticism and the beginnings of religion as experience of nature and arts" Relating religion to the age of Romanticism is often confined to a history of ideas and bourgeois notions of poetry, art, and philosophy alone. Romanticism, however, as a response to the rationalization of religion during the enligh...


  • Jul 2013
Aims and Scope In present-day pluralistic and individualized societies, the question of how individuals appropriate religious traditions has become particularly relevant. In this volume, psychologists, anthropologists, and historians examine the presence of religious voices in narrative constructions of the self. The focus is on the multiple ways...



  • Jan 2013




  • Jan 2011
Biographical Article on dr. Anne Mankes-Zernike, the first female church minister of the Netherlands


  • Jan 2011
Honderd jaar geleden werd in Nederland de eerste vrouw bevestigd als predikant: Anne Zernike. Zij was tijdens haar theologiestudie overgestapt naar de Doopsgezinde Broederschap, omdat dit kerkgenootschap als eerste demogelijkheid opende vrouwelijke proponenten te beroepen. In deze bundel gaan historici en theologen dieper in op de argumenten voor e...




  • Sep 2009
De auteurs nemen de onderbouwing van narratieve methodes in pastoraat en geestelijke verzorging onder de loep: vindt zij haar oorsprong in de christelijke traditie of in de postmoderne theorievorming? Ze bekijken de consequenties voor de definiëring van pastoraat en geestelijke verzorging, bijvoorbeeld in het handboek ‘Zorg voor het verhaal’ van Ga...


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  • Mar 2009
Literatuur raakt de ziel, ze kan de ziel vormen en verheffen of bederven. Dat wist Plato al en daarom ontwikkelde hij een filosofische kritiek van de literatuur, terwijl Aristoteles de essentie van de tragedie doorgrondde. Maar na de Oudheid hebben filosofen de literatuur eeuwenlang links laten liggen. In de 19de en vooral in de 20ste eeuw verander...


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